S-3.1.01, r. 1 - Dam Safety Regulation

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11. Subject to section 74, the classification and classification parameters for a dam are determined or reviewed by the Minister, in the following circumstances:
(1)  when a dam is newly listed;
(2)  when the Minister issues an authorization under section 5 of the Act;
(3)  when the Minister issues an approval under section 17 of the Act;
(4)  following a dam failure analysis or dam safety review;
(5)  following a site visit by an inspector or investigator;
(6)  when information brought to the Minister’s attention by a third person justifies a review;
(7)  when the correction of an error in writing or calculation or any other clerical error affecting the classification or classification parameters justifies a review;
(8)  annually when updating the dam age;
(9)  at any time following a request by the dam owner, supported by a report or study made under the responsibility of an engineer or another justifying document.
O.C. 300-2002, s. 11; O.C. 989-2023, s. 10.
11. A dam shall be classified by the Minister prior to authorization for the construction of the dam, subject to the special provisions in section 74 relating to existing dams.
A dam owner may, at any time, apply for a review of the classification of the structure if a supporting report or study made under the responsibility of an engineer is submitted with the application.
O.C. 300-2002, s. 11.